Blank Pages

 Welcome friends,

A little over a year ago I started writing a weekly blog for Covenant Presbyterian Church in Madison, WI. I thought it would be a fun little experiment and through the year I realized how much I enjoyed writing the dang thing.

So I thought I'd keep it up on my own time as well.

When I was at Covenant, the blog would be a reflection on the sermon series, or the scripture text from the previous Sunday, or sometimes something that would pop into my head that I couldn't shake. But now I don't have a sermon series or scripture from the previous Sunday.

Now I have a blank page in front of me. 

The cursor, it haunts me.

I was recently asked if I think of myself as a structured person or a creative person. And I realized the answer truly is both and neither. I don't want to just walk down a set path in some proscribed way, but I'm not so sure I want to stand in the middle of a field and just guess a direction. 

I really prefer to be creative within a structure. 

But I don't have that right now. The world is my oyster, and I'm only constrained by my imagination. So I'm going to give myself a structure for this blog. Soon... I think...

Is this blog going to be centered on matters of faith and spirituality? Will it be a freeform brain dump? Will it be homespun wisdom based on Beatrix Potter? I'll probably take this down the path of faith and spirituality, but I do like that I've got the leeway to unpack the lessons to be gleaned from The Tale of Two Bad Mice (Like don't name your child Hunca Munca). This may be a lectionary blog (because those are so few and far between), it may be a topical blog, I may even go down the rabbit hole that is the Book of Confessions!

"Then there was no end to the rage and disappointment of Tom Thumb and Hunca Munca"

But for now this is a blank page. A scary and exciting cauldron of potential. I'll keep writing on this page and something cohesive and (hopefully) interesting will take form. It may even have a name beyond "Jeff's blog" someday!

My life has a lot of blank pages on it right now as well. I have some characters, locations, and plotlines that are ongoing, but the next chapters have yet to be written. I'm writing these chapters as I go, but am glad to have some co-authors along the way. 

And as we keep writing on these pages together I am excited for whatever interesting new story coheres.

I'll be back with another post soon!


Jeff Fox-Kline


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