Welcome friends,
A little over a year ago I started writing a weekly blog for Covenant Presbyterian Church in Madison, WI. I thought it would be a fun little experiment and through the year I realized how much I enjoyed writing the dang thing.
So I thought I'd keep it up on my own time as well.
When I was at Covenant, the blog would be a reflection on the sermon series, or the scripture text from the previous Sunday, or sometimes something that would pop into my head that I couldn't shake. But now I don't have a sermon series or scripture from the previous Sunday.
Now I have a blank page in front of me.
The cursor, it haunts me.
I was recently asked if I think of myself as a structured person or a creative person. And I realized the answer truly is both and neither. I don't want to just walk down a set path in some proscribed way, but I'm not so sure I want to stand in the middle of a field and just guess a direction.
I really prefer to be creative within a structure.
But I don't have that right now. The world is my oyster, and I'm only constrained by my imagination. So I'm going to give myself a structure for this blog. Soon... I think...
Is this blog going to be centered on matters of faith and spirituality? Will it be a freeform brain dump? Will it be homespun wisdom based on Beatrix Potter? I'll probably take this down the path of faith and spirituality, but I do like that I've got the leeway to unpack the lessons to be gleaned from The Tale of Two Bad Mice (Like don't name your child Hunca Munca). This may be a lectionary blog (because those are so few and far between), it may be a topical blog, I may even go down the rabbit hole that is the Book of Confessions!
"Then there was no end to the rage and disappointment of Tom Thumb and Hunca Munca" |
But for now this is a blank page. A scary and exciting cauldron of potential. I'll keep writing on this page and something cohesive and (hopefully) interesting will take form. It may even have a name beyond "Jeff's blog" someday!
My life has a lot of blank pages on it right now as well. I have some characters, locations, and plotlines that are ongoing, but the next chapters have yet to be written. I'm writing these chapters as I go, but am glad to have some co-authors along the way.
And as we keep writing on these pages together I am excited for whatever interesting new story coheres.
I'll be back with another post soon!
Jeff Fox-Kline
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