
Showing posts from March, 2022

The Wilderness

Edit: I know the big banner image on the actual blog page is a gigantic picture of Rue McClanahan. I'm still figuring this whole deal out with formatting and what not. That being said, Rue McClanahan is a treasure and I refuse to change it. Last Sunday in worship, the scripture reading was the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. A super Lent-y scripture passage that I will commend to your reading on your own time:  Luke 4:1-15 And it's a great passage that's worth reading, but if you don't have the time to read fifteen Bible verses (and who does in this fast paced world we live in), the verse that stopped me this go-round was the first one: " Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness" For context, this comes directly after Jesus' baptism in the Jordan River. One thing that always strikes me about the baptism is that it happens before Jesus really does anything too noteworthy. God's love come...

Blank Pages

 Welcome friends, A little over a year ago I started writing a weekly blog for Covenant Presbyterian Church in Madison, WI. I thought it would be a fun little experiment and through the year I realized how much I enjoyed writing the dang thing. So I thought I'd keep it up on my own time as well. When I was at Covenant, the blog would be a reflection on the sermon series, or the scripture text from the previous Sunday, or sometimes something that would pop into my head that I couldn't shake. But now I don't have a sermon series or scripture from the previous Sunday. Now I have a blank page in front of me.  The cursor, it haunts me. I was recently asked if I think of myself as a structured person or a creative person. And I realized the answer truly is both and neither. I don't want to just walk down a set path in some proscribed way, but I'm not so sure I want to stand in the middle of a field and just guess a direction.  I really prefer to be creative within a struc...